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Face Mask Detection Robot

Robots save lives during a COVID-19 pandemic

Many countries around the world have enacted laws mandating to wear face masks in public places. This applies not only to indoor spaces, shops, schools, colleges, airports but also to open area gatherings.

Outdoor robots S5.2 series can assist humans in preventing them from getting infected by Covid-19. This is accomplished when robots identify people without a face mask and warn them about the possibility of receiving a fine. A warning is carried out through a generate voice alarm in a country’s native language where robots operate.

Fines for not wearing a face mask in public

In cases that do not contradict the local laws and regulations, photos taken by a robot allow a person to be identified.

Although, the robot itself does not verify and compare the identity of a person’s photo in the database. The robot only takes photos of a person without a mask and sends the image to a server in the cloud. The identification of the person, according to the picture taken by the robot, carried out in the cloud by verifying the photo with existing databases of people.

The position of the robot’s cameras is at human eye level allowing it to take a picture with the best possible angle, suitable for optimal person recognition.

Face Mask Detection Robot
Face Mask Detection Robot

How robots can detect if people are wearing masks

All models of security robots manufactured by SMP Robotics have 6 cameras arranged in a 360-degree view. These cameras detect a person without a mask at a short distance from 4 to 24 feet. The Prompt patrol robot is ideally designed to work in the vicinity of nearby people gatherings.

This model is the most affordable of all robots in the S5.2 series. Prompt is ideal for working in city parks, streets, squares, and places where congestion is most likely. The power of the built-in speaker system permits to alert rule wrongdoers at a distance of up to 16 feet.

Two latest models of robots, Picard and Argus, in addition to 6 panoramic cameras, are also equipped with PTZ cameras. These cameras are perfect to recognize a person without a mask at a distance up to 180 feet. Surveillance robot Picard and thermal security robot Argus both are made to identify people without a face mask in the vicinity and the distance.

The six panoramic cameras work independently from the PTZ camera. The PTZ camera makes a circular rotation and when a person is detected, it automatically tracks him/her until a face is detected. When a person without a mask is detected, the robot enables a voice alarm and alerts to put a facemask in a public area as been required, to counter the spread of coronavirus.

Picard and Argus are built to combine solutions to address two very important tasks of video surveillance to ensure safety, security, and counteract violators of rules in order to prevent the Covid-19 virus.

Face Mask Detection Robot
Face Mask Detection Robot

The Real-Time Face Mask detector

SMP Robotics repurposed software programs to address the requirements for the optimal performance of identifying people without facemasks. To achieve maximum results, the company supplies onboard supercomputer T9 based on an NVIDIA Jetson processor and Deep Learning software.

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